Monday 26 August 2013

Bag Of Books Summer Party

Sunday was the day of Bag of Books Summer Party, we bought tickets for the Troll Swap event. Troll Swap was authored and illustrated by Leigh Hodgkinson. Leigh did a brilliant job keeping the children entertained while waiting for everyone to turn up for her reading of Troll Swap. After Troll swap had been read there were Troll glove puppets to be made. Leigh had sewn together the basic glove puppet shape with 'tentacles' and had all manner of lovely things to be stuck to them to finish their Trolls.

Nate's view of the reading

Leigh's Troll

Nate really got stuck in and we had to force him to stop sticking things to his Troll.

Outside at the party there were lots of things to look at and to do:

Button Tree

Creating Face masks

Making surpriders, based on surprider a book all about spiders.

Face painting

Entertainment from Fairies and Pixies

Colouring in a fish and writing a wish on it

and Bubbles.

Special bubble homemade bubble wands
Bubble painting

Nate having a go at blowing bubbles

I'm not sure who enjoyed the bubbles more me or Nate. There was a bubble wand for making huge bubbles and even bubble painting. I think we will attempt the bubble painting again once Nate is a little older as he didn't quite get not to suck on the straw.

All in all it was a lovely day and hopefully this will be an annual event.

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