Monday 21 October 2013

Great British Bake Off Free From episode

I've sat on this post for a little while to think about it and whether my first reaction was valid. I stand by my first reaction so here I am writing this post.

It's always great to see dairy free foods being spoken about, so the free from episode was perfect for us or so we thought. The first two bakes were wheat free/gluten free, cue slight disappointment from me. The last bake was a novelty vegetable dairy free cake, huge disappointment here. The novelty factor was a big annoyance for me in fact, most people seem to think it's 'just' a lifestyle choice to not eat dairy and I think the usage of a novelty cake cements that 'fact' in peoples minds. Then added to that the bakers had to make a vegetable dairy free cake, which in its own way should have been a challenge as vegetables will affect the bake it's almost like creating a dairy free cake wasn't hard enough.

There were also a couple of misconceptions; margarine contains dairy in fact most olive oil spreads contain dairy as well. There are a handful of spreads that don't contain dairy, we currently use Pure Sunflower. Eggs are not dairy, I'll use a friends anecdote "I've yet to see a cow lay an egg."

Please can we have a serious dairy free bake, a technical challenge maybe? All of the technical challenges are so dairy laden It seems like a challenge to remove the dairy from them. Alternative milks don't behave in the same way as milk does when cooked so it'd be great to see a technical challenge it isn't used in.

As an aside, Nate has recently changed his mind and wants Frances and Kimberly to win.

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